Our loyalty program rewards you for every purchase and every visit!
For every $1 you spend, get 5 points, 300 points = FREE Item*
*One cupcake, cookie, or brownie
Redeem perks on Sprinkles website, in-bakery, and on the app.
How to earn points
Order on the go.
through our website or the Sprinkles App
Get points for every dollar.
for every $1 you spend, get 5 points. 300 point = FREE Item*
Some pretty sweet deals.
as Dark Chocolate and Red Velvet, including a quarterly VIP signature box for Red Velvet
And ofc, free cupcakes!
for every 300 points you earn, you will receive a free item – cupcake, cookie or brownie
Vanilla Tier
1-7 visits or up to 1,749 pts in a calendar year
300 points = FREE Item (cupcake, cookie or brownie)
Free cupcake on your birthday

Dark Chocolate Tier
8+ visits or 1,750 pts in a calendar year
300 points = FREE Item (cupcake, cookie or brownie)
Exclusive promotions
2 Free cupcakes on your birthday
Red Velvet Tier
40+ visits or 4,000 pts in a calendar year
300 points = FREE Item (cupcake, cookie or brownie)
Exclusive promotions
Exclusive Quarterly VIP
A baker’s dozen (13) free cupcakes on your birthday